GitHub for iOS

the world's largest source code hosting service

thumb of GitHub for iOS
  • Publishers:
  • License: Free
  • Capacity: 24,9 MB
  • Saved: 92
  • Update:
  • System: iOS 12.2 and above

There is a lot you can do on GitHub without a complex development environment - like sharing feedback on a design discussion or reviewing a few lines of code.

GitHub is the world's largest source code repository

GitHub - software owned by Microsoft has a mobile application that allows you to download and use it for free. GitHub is a popular source code repository service designed primarily to help developers manage their projects anytime, anywhere, without always having to sit in front of a computer screen.

GitHub for iPhone and iPad does not provide a full development environment. Instead, GitHub for iOS users can stay in touch with their team, organize tasks, give feedback with emoticons, handle issues such as viewing code, editing code incorrectly. do and even merge the Pull Requests right from the app.

The GitHub mobile app helps you get things done, no matter where you are working, with a beautiful native interface. This mobile version can automatically adapt to different screen sizes, including a dark background. Thanks to it, programmers can rely on and organize their work more easily.

Manage Pull Requests

The salient feature of GitHub for iOS

  • Browse the latest notifications for you.
  • Read, show emotions and answer issues and Pull Requests.
  • Review and merge the Pull Requests.
  • Arrange issues with labels, assigned people, projects and more.
  • Browse files and code.