Viber Chrome Extension

share from browser to viber quickly

thumb of Viber Chrome Extension
  • Publishers:
    Viber Media
  • License: Free
  • Capacity: 6,3 MB
  • Saved: 437
  • Update:
  • System: Windows XP trở lên

Viber Chrome Extension is a very useful Viber support application that allows users to share images, links or text from anywhere on the browser to friends in the Viber Desktop list quickly. Sharing only takes 1 mouse click instead of the usual copy and paste operations.

Picture 1 of Viber Chrome Extension
Share images, links and texts to contacts in Viber right from the Google Chrome browser

Viber - a free chat application that is used by many users on all platforms, helping to connect users wherever they are. Now with Viber Chrome Extension, you can also share content online very quickly and simply with just one click. After installing the application into the Google Chrome browser, Viber's icon will appear in the address bar of the browser that allows you to share links, along with the ability to share images and text quickly.

Picture 2 of Viber Chrome Extension
Share the link by clicking on the application's icon and selecting the recipient

Viber Chrome Extension online data sharing application

With the share button right on the browser, Viber Chrome Extension allows users to install Viber Desktop to easily share websites, images, documents directly from the browser. Now you can share all the cool things you see on the Internet to any user on Viber without having to open Viber Desktop.

Quick sharing options with Viber Chrome Extension

  • Click the Viber icon in the right corner of the toolbar to share the link.
  • Hover on the image until the Share icon appears.
  • Highlight the text you want to share, right click and select Share.
  • View content before sharing.

Picture 3 of Viber Chrome Extension
Highlight the text and click the Viber icon to share

After doing the above, you just need to tick the contact you want to send in the contact list of Viber that appears after that. The application also allows sending in batches so you can tick any number you want to share. Make sure you have the latest version of Viber Desktop installed on your computer so the application can update this contact list. Users can also review the content before sharing to friends.

Picture 4 of Viber Chrome Extension
See content before sharing to your friends on Viber with the Viber Chrome Extension app

With the ability to share from browser to Viber quickly of the Viber Chrome Extension app, you can skip the manipulation of copying links or text and pasting into the chat dialog, no longer having to choose to attach files to send photos when you want to share to friends in your Viber contact list. While being able to quickly share and send to multiple contacts, Viber Chrome Extension is a must-have application for any Viber user.
