Fallout 3

the classic rpg for computers

thumb of Fallout 3
  • Publishers:
    Bethesda Softworks
  • License: Purchase
  • Capacity:
  • Saved: 543
  • Update:
  • System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10

Fallout 3 - A classic computer role-playing game

In the Fallout 3 computer role-playing game, players will explore the open world, participate in fierce battles, admire amazingly realistic graphics and make many choices to help the characters in game.

Picture 1 of Fallout 3
Nearly all the works in the role-playing game for computer Fallout 3 are just rubble

Fallout 3 is an RPG for special PC. This game has an open world so it brings an unprecedented fun experience. With many profound and engaging characteristics, this game has attracted many gamers. Fallout 3 is truly a meticulously designed memorable game.

The world of Fallout is a world that has both the characteristics of the past and the characteristics of the future. This world consists of many atomic cars, service robots and basic computer systems. Nuclear war, however, has taken away most of these modern technologies, leaving only a hopelessly gloomy dark space. This is a world both authentic and imaginative. Certain players will find it extremely interesting to explore this world.

In the Fallout 3 computer RPG, the player will be someone who lives near Vault and can write his own story. After showing the character's birth, the game quickly turned to the childhood of the character with photographs of important events, such as the day the character obtained Pip-Boy 3000. The developer was very cleverly create characters and game instructions to slowly reveal the story. Characters in the game live near Vault 101 - a bunker designed to protect refugees in nuclear war that ravages the ground. However, Vault did not reopen when the war ended. The opening clip shows the player that the character dies because no one can enter or exit Vault 101. At the end of the childhood story, the character suddenly wakes up when he hears the alarm bell and Feeling extremely confused. Dear father opened Vault door and made a flight. Accordingly, everything will not be the same as before. Players will have to leave Vault 101 to search for the father in the ruins outside.

Picture 2 of Fallout 3
Discover the fascinating storyline of the computer role-playing game Fallout 3

In the RPG game for PC Fallout 3, there are very few intact constructions. Most of the buildings have been destroyed into many debris. Accordingly, players will think about finding ways to survive at all costs. It will be very difficult because radiation is everywhere. Hunger and despair are common in RPGs or computers for Fallout 3. Players will not understand the true value of water until forced to drink non-radioactive water in the toilet only to restore some health. Although food and drinks can help restore health, most have been contaminated. Players will have to use medication to control the level of radiation exposure when eating or moving in hot areas. In other words, players will constantly have to struggle to survive.

Picture 3 of Fallout 3
Images of mutants in the role-playing game for computers Fallout 3

Under such pressure, even a good person can change and start doing bad things. Those who are already evil have an excuse to do more evil things and take advantage of the weak. Players will decide for themselves who they will be in this harsh world. If you want to be a good person, the player can give water to the beggars and try to become a hero. If you want to be a bad guy, you will not encounter any obstacles in finding the places that ruin your life. Fallout 3 is not a game for children or those who are still forming a moral concept. The world in this game includes all sorts of bad guys ready to do the worst. Players can also do the same thing if desired.

Of course, reap whatever you reap. A player's choices (be it a good person, a bad guy or a neutral attitude) all lead to certain results. For example: If a player plays a game of stealing items, then the store owner will close and leave. So there's nothing left to steal. If you destroy an entire city, you will have to bear the consequences.

Fallout 3 role-playing game has been released for computers running Windows XP or Windows Vista. Players should know that this game is not optimized for Windows 7 and above operating systems.

Picture 4 of Fallout 3
The robot in the role-playing game for computer Fallout 3

System requirements

Minimum configuration requirements for Fallout 3

  • Operating system: Windows XP / Vista
  • Processor: 2.4Ghz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor
  • Memory: 1 GB (XP) or 2 GB (Vista)
  • Storage space on hard drive: 7 GB
  • Video Card: Compatible with DirectX 9.0c with 256 MB RAM (NVIDIA 6800 or ATI X850 and above)
  • Audio: DirectX 9.0c
  • Support for: Xbox 360 controller
  • Other requirements: If you want to play online games, you need to sign in to Games For Windows - Live

Fallout 3 configuration requirements recommended

  • Operating system: Windows XP / Vista
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Storage space on hard drive: 7 GB
  • Video card: Compatible with DirectX 9.0c with 512 MB RAM (NVIDIA 8800 or ATI 3800 Series)
  • Audio: DirectX 9.0c
  • Support for: Xbox 360 controller

Video card chipsets are supported

  • NVIDIA GeForce 200 Series, Geforce 9800, Geforce 9600, Geforce 8800, Geforce 8600, Geforce 8500, Geforce 8400, Geforce 7900, Geforce 7800, Geforce 7600, Geforce 7300, GeForce 6800
  • ATI HD Series 4800, HD 4600, HD 3800, HD 3600, HD 3400, HD 2900, HD 2600, HD 2400, X1900, X1800, X1600, X1300, X850
