MoreMotion Application Studio

comprehensive web application development

thumb of MoreMotion Application Studio
  • Publishers:
  • License: Trial
  • Capacity: 64,3 MB
  • Saved: 65
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  • System: Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7

MoreMotion Application Studio (MMAS) is a web application development IDE that works on Windows platform. It is designed to help users develop perfect applications in less time and with fewer resources.

Picture 1 of MoreMotion Application Studio

Functions of MoreMotion Application Studio:

Ideal for platform independent applications

Web applications developed with MMAS are basically Java web applications and they operate on the Java platform. Therefore, the web application can run on any operating system including Windows, Linux, Unix, AS400, IBM MVS, etc.

MMAS can access any database system

When the appropriate JDBC driver is provided, MMAS can access all database systems including Oracle, MS SQL Server, DB2, MySQL, Postgre, Informix, Sybase, Progress, MS Access, etc.

Many different components

The MMAS library includes more than 200 components to meet all requirements of a comprehensive web application.


Mailer provides easy-to-use elements for sending text or HTML mail to recipients. It allows attaching multiple files to mail. Mail can be sent in the foreground or background using multithreading.

The content of the HTML mail can be designed with Application Studio just like the normal dynamic page design. Mailer can build separate mail content for each mail recipient with XSLT processing function before sending.


Filer allows developers to handle basic file operations with the following functionality:

  • Query folders and files.
  • Query text file records.
  • Delete, move and copy files or folders.
  • List the properties of a file or directory.
  • Zip the folders and expand the zip file to the directory.
  • Create a text file
  • Upload files from the local computer to the server computer.


Reporter supports 2 important report generation technologies:

  • JasperReports: a popular open source report creation tool widely used in the Java community.
  • XSL-Fo: may be called the future of printing.XSL-Fo has the ability of XSLT to generate reports that contain SVG graphics.
  • In addition to creating reports, Reporter provides many valuable functions for printing the generated documents to both the printer server and client.


Security provides easy user interface elements that can be customized according to needs.

SML is the name of a high-level language to script all security activities: LoginUser (), CreateUser (), SetRole (), etc. For each element of this component, another security domain can be set. set up within the same application while one is communicating with the local database via RelDB Security Broker, the other can authenticate users from the Ldap system.

To support non-https applications, the security level can be increased with the Challenge-Response function.


DHTMLMenu is used to create Javascript files of 3rd party DHTML menu components based on current user information and other sessions / systems.

The Javascript file is only created once during the user session while the menu parameters remain the same. In other words, unless those parameters change, DHTMLMenu's menu creation service will not be called to prevent performance degradation.

Internationalization (I18N)

I18N supports the development of multilingual applications. For all supported languages, there is only one copy for each page of the project. Therefore, the "Language" and "Character set" properties of the page must be set to "Multi-Lingual" and "utf-8".


Scheduler allows running processes in the background quickly or at scheduled time.

Without this component, processes would always be bound to user requests which meant that users of the web application had to trigger the execution of the process.

With the Scheduler, you can develop the process template and schedule it, such as running at midnight. Time-consuming processes can be separated from the request by launching a background job, and the user can respond immediately to know that their request is being processed.

CKEditor Integration

CKEditor Integration integrates the popular CKEditor into this Application Studio. With the provided elements, you can easily build rich content inputs from users. This component combines with "Filer / FManager" to manage (upload, maintain, select) images and documents placed on server folders.

Net (FTP)

FTP component elements are provided to make FTP (File Transfer Protocol) easy to perform without writing Java code. With these factors, you can establish an FTP connection to the FTP server, query remote files, transfer files from / to FTP servers, delete or rename files.

Features of MoreMotion Application Studio:


Web pages can be designed without handling HTML code, and they are displayed in the browser in exactly the same way as they appear in the design area.

MoreMotion Application Studio is not limited like other WYSIWYG editing tools. It can translate your visual design into browser-compatible HTML code much more successfully than other tools.

The MoreMotion Application Studio allows you to use CSS styles and enter native HTML code.

Project Explorer

The MoreMotion Application Studio's Project Explorer displays every single item that is included in a project and provides comprehensive control to the user along with the command line provided on the context menu.

When the page is opened, it also displays all the elements used in that page to identify and manage elements of complex pages.

Library Explorer

The library elements and MoreMotion components contained in that library can be inserted into the page simply by using the mouse.

Property Editor

The properties of the page, elements, themes and project components can be viewed and edited from Property Editor, one of MoreMotion Application Studio's main control units. When multiple elements on a page are selected, only common properties are displayed. The values ​​provided for that attribute apply to all elements in the selection.

Property Editor can be set to float on the design area without hindering the designer.

Toolbar alignment and size

With the rich set of commands provided in the MoreMotion Application Studio's alignment and size toolbars, elements can be aligned and sized with others on the page.

Search and replace

Elements on open pages can be searched by the given text and the text option found in the value attribute can be replaced with specified replacement strings.

Custom menus and shortcuts

All menus and keyboard shortcuts can be customized according to the needs of the user. Can drag menu commands onto the toolbar and redefine keyboard shortcuts.

Contextual support

When a property is selected in Property Editor, press F1 to get support for that property. This context-sensitive function also works when an element is selected on the page design area and the F1 key is pressed.

Website color palette

The integrated color palette can be used for applying colors to items. In addition, you can also choose colors from the work area via the Eyedropper tool embedded in the palette.

Map editing tool

With this integrated image map editing tool, hotspots can be defined for all types of graphics. The rectangle, circle and polygon tool of this editor can be used to identify clickable areas of the image.

Graphic Text

Graphic Text is the ability to combine text with images and thus eliminates the need to create many different image files through an image editor whenever new text is required. .

During the build process, MoreMotion Application Studio creates a GIF file by editing the text passed through the image. The generated GIF file will be named automatically.

Integrated Javascript editing tool

The code of the embedded Javascript elements and the view of all those elements can be viewed and edited with the built-in Javascript editing tool.

It gives you the ability to search, replace and highlight the Javascript language syntax.

DHTML events

When using Property Editor, dynamic HTML events can be defined for many elements. The entire dynamic event can be applied to the element listed below the Events tab of the Property Editor.

In addition to regular DHTML events, MoreMotion Application Studio also provides many other simulated events (such as OnCreate) to enhance development capabilities.

Expand and reuse

Templates and page elements for frequently used structures can be created and inserted into the library. Library elements can be used on pages with desired frequency. Changes made on page elements will not affect that library.

When the library element is updated, those changes are inherited by all the instances on the page, while changes by the user on those instances remain the same.

Build smart and check broken links

When the Build statement is provided by the user, MoreMotion Application Studio will check all page elements and only build pages that are affected by the changes made to the project. During construction, it will report all broken links to the missing project page or removed components.

Smart posting with integrated FTP client

The items of a project required in the upload environment (pages, images, videos, executables and configuration files) can be uploaded to the desired remote host via the integrated FTP client. The MoreMotion Application Studio identifies and lists all changed files that need to be posted and allows users to manipulate the list before starting to post.

Link attributes to XML node

Any element attribute can be linked to an XML node via the $ vof () function.

Assigning value

Values ​​can be assigned to element properties via the $ vof () function.

For example, the background color of a table can be defined as follows :

$ vof (position () mod 2 = 0? 'silver'; 'gray')

And it will be compiled into :





Repeat the tables

You can group multiple elements with the table and repeat them horizontally or vertically with the sorted XML node. Those repeating tables may contain nested tables, and you can define and include XSL parameters.

Template XSL

You can easily link external XSL template file or use embedded XSL template which can be edited with integrated XML editor.

Data sources

Data requested by pages can be easily retrieved by installing Data source elements in the page.

Integrated web server

Apache Tomcat Servlet Runner is integrated into the MMAS package and is pre-configured for testing projects built by Application Studio. MMAS developers do not have to install web server or application server to test the developed web application. Tomcat can be managed easily with the commands provided in the Application Studio GUI interface.

Package Publish

With the Package Publish feature of Application Studio, you can easily create a package containing Java VM, Apache Tomcat and Web Application. You can then copy this package to a Windows or Unix (Linux) computer and start the application by executing the provided startup.bat or startup.sh without having to set up or install anything. what.
